

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Exodus from Prison?

-The sun reached its zenith and the blistering heat rained down on two melancholic figures with their backs to the hard stone. In one of the scarce oases from the brutal savage nature of their condemned existence, the two figures, distanced from other inhabitants, discussed their plan of escape.
-"That could work!" exclaimed Greg. "My only concern, however, is the sentinels on top of the watch towers."
-"Relax Greg," Trevor whispered, "We should keep it down. The guards will hear us. But you don't have to worry as I've got this all figured out."
-"OK well tell me again. Blast! I can't see how this will work," offered Greg.
-"Well this is how I see it. When the daylight wanes tonight, we'll sneak out of the bunkhouses and head into the center court right beside the Warden's office. He'll least expect an escape attempt from there." Trevor pointed to the seemingly luxurious mansion in the midst of run-down buildings and working people. "That's where we'll start."
-"Well we can't think about messing with the Warden. We have to focus on getting out don't we?" mused Greg.
-"Shut up you imbecile. Listen!" retorted Trevor aggressively. "I'll say it again so you can wrap your pathetic brain around it." Trevor continued to describe the event one more time in a monotonous voice, exasperated at Greg's lack of understanding. "When the daylight wanes tonight, we'll sneak out of the bunkhouses and head to the center court beside the Warden's office."
-"What about the escape?"
-"LISTEN!" yelled Trevor enraged that Greg had cut him off again. The entire prison fell silent and all eyes turned to the pair of plotting inmates. Trevor and Greg fell silent and they became frightened.
-"It's so quiet," stated Greg blatantly.
-"I know. Shut up."Trevor replied sarcastically in hushed tones. "If the Warden comes around the corner we'll have to make a break for it." The void of silence, which only minutes before had been filled with the rhythmic sounds of inmates toiling in the yard, seemed endless. The seconds dragged out as if they were weighed down just as the inmates were, carrying bags of stones and depositing them repeatedly. "I think we're safe." reasoned Trevor as prison life slowly resumed.
-Greg offered, "So since we are safe now, we can continue to plot right?"
-"Yes we can," responded Trevor. "I have the flare we snuck out of the first aid room in the mess hall so listen and I'll tell you the rest."
-"I got it Trev. I'm all ears but I think your being a little too optimistic. No one breaks out of prison down here."
-"Don't worry about it. I've got it all figured out. After we meet beside the Warden's office, you'll stay here and wait till I get to the shed beside the mess hall. Once I get there, you launch the flare and while the guards are distracted, I'll hop up on the shed, onto the mess hall, and up onto the wall. From there, I'll jump out of the prison and come get you tomorrow night."
-"Wait. So I have to stay here while I escape?" pondered Greg out loud.
-"Don't worry about it. I've got you covered. I'll come back tomorrow with the rest of the clan and we'll get you out."
-"OK fine," decided Greg, "but only because you stood up for me last week when the guards beat me. 'You nigger' they shouted as they laughed taking turns punching and kicking me. It was awful. And then you were standing there looking all heroic telling them to stop. It was angelic."
-"I would do it any time and thank you. You won't regret it." recited Trevor enjoying the fact that he had fooled this man just as he had all the others before him. Trevor smiled to himself as the two men stood up. Suddenly, a chill ran up Trevor's spine as the sadistic tone of the Warden resonated in the hot summer air.
-"That sounds like a good plan boys. Can I come?" laughed the Warden maliciously. The two men swirled around and look up on top of the wall. The Warden was perched there with a gun in hand, staring the two men down with his ice-cold blue eyes.

NOTE: *I cannot indent the paragraphs. Spacing does not work. -'s are placed where indents are supposed to be.*
